Sunday, December 2, 2007

Help! Please move to the front! - PR

That sounds too direct. Okay, please move to the front of the church. Why? This will leave at least the last two rows of pews open on both sides for guests or latecomers to church. Why is it that people will pay premium dollars to get front row seats at a sporting event but always want the back pews in a church? Our newcomers feel the most at home near the back. This morning we had some difficulty trying to seat new people. Seats were open in the front rows but our guests didn’t want them. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine arriving to an unknown event that you were nervous about attending and the ushers seated you in the front row with everyone looking at you! That is how our guests feel! So during our crowded days, when many are attending church for the first time, please consider moving up nearer the front! Thanks for your help!

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