Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Annual Meeting Report

There's an old saying: "God is good . . . . all the time. All the time . . . . God is good."

Never were these words more demonstrated than at our Annual Congregational Meeting. It was the exclamation point on a day that was truly blessed.

Some of the highlights:

- Presentation of a 12-minute "Year-in-Review" DVD (this will also be shown this Sunday, and will be posted to our website next week!)

- Discussion of our financial standing, followed by a time of prayer by our Lay-Elders.

- Presentation of a powerful drama by our youth (tears were flowing!)

- Presentation of our Capital Campaign by Dr. Kennedy, which will begin in 2009, culminating with a church-wide banquet on March 23rd.

- Announcement of a bold, new plan for continued growth and outreach: a Saturday night service launching January 10, 2009! More details to follow . . . .

- Adoption of our 2009 church budget.

- Election of new elders, deacons, and committee members.

- Presentation of the Building God's Way plans that were developed (click on pictures below for a better look!)

Truly, "God is good . . . . all the time!"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baptism & Praise Service!

It was a tremendous morning of praise and thanksgiving as several teens and adults were baptized in our Worship Services!

Here are some pictures of that incredible day (click to make it larger)!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Annual Congregational Meeting Tomorrow!

November 23, 2008

6:00 PM



Be involved!

· Hear first-hand what God has been doing!

· Help make future decisions!

· Rejoice with God’s people!

AWANA Grand Prix!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thompson Fundraiser Update!

From Pam Kincade, mother of April Graziano, who helped organize this event with Melissa Poland and Colleen Headley . . . .

To everyone who helped, gave, served, donated, prayed for the Thompson family spaghetti dinner last night, I want to pass on my personal and huge "Thank you!" This fundraiser was a big step of faith in so many ways on the part of April, Melissa, and Colleen, and God didn't let them down! What a joy to see the looks on our girls' faces time and again as they realized God's faithfulness demonstrated over and over in the process of putting on this event! What a joy to be a part of an evening full of love, laughter, and fellowship with old and new friends--not to mention the great food! The entire evening (building location, food, raffle prizes) was paid for with generous donations, and served by giving volunteers. Cameras were clicking all night long, and I can't wait to see & share the pictures! Since Rebecca Thompson could not be at the event, and cannot even be around people right now, I want you to read her journal posting today from the Caring Bridges website. Just KNOW that you have made a huge difference in her life. God bless you for it!
~ Pam

"It was like Christmas in my house last night. Brad and the kids came home at about 9:00 giddy with the excitement of the night and bearing gifts, treats, pictures, and stories to tell of their wonderful experience at the Spaghetti Dinner in honor of our family last night. After hearing all of the kids' stories and seeing their treasures won in the raffle, the kids went to bed reluctantly, still buzzing from the sugar and excitement. After they settled in, Brad and I took our time looking through the guest book, the HUGE banner that everyone signed, opening a few gifts, and then downloading the pictures taken with our camera during the evening. (thank you Sandee!) Our living room looked like a tornado had hit it, but in that good sort of a way.

The Spaghetti Dinner was a big success and we are so appreciative of everyone who was able to attend and support us. We are overwhelmed by the donations that were made both in time and in money. Without having to ask, God has supplied for our needs. I was sorry to not have been able to attend, but look forward to seeing each of you at one point down the road in order to thank you in person.

I went in and had blood work done this morning and will get the results tomorrow morning before we leave for Stanford. I was also able to place my order for some new medications I will likely take next week. We were delighted when they were under $100.

We are enjoying a "lazy" day with the kids at home for Veteran's Day. It's overcast outside and a great day for cuddling up with a book.

Some Prayer Requests:
Safe travels tomorrow
NO more cancer
Increased blood counts
Guard against continued or new side effects from medications

On a positive note, my rash seems slightly better today, and my heart rate was 74 this morning, the lowest it has been in over three weeks! Keep praying Prayer Warriors. I know God is listening and answering those prayers. He is mighty and much bigger than cancer.

God is good.....Becca"

p.s. (I know you're wondering how much?) We're told there are more checks in the mail, but the total raised so far is $7,500!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Becca Thompson Fundraiser Tonight!

Please join us tonight for the Spaghetti Dinner & Auction for one of our Titus 2 moms, Becca Thompson, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. The event is at Whitaker Hall in Yuba City from 5:00-8:00. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Family Fall Festival!

A big thanks to everyone who supported this year's Festival! It was a GREAT night!