Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010


"Many hands make light work!"

The Men from Cornerstone proved that again this morning.  Twenty guys + two dozen donuts + 1 hour = moving 20 yards of mulch in one hour.  Amazing!  They ran out of mulch!  It took more than an hour to have another 10 more yards delivered.  Praise the LORD!

Friday, April 16, 2010


New Book by Dr. Gil Stieglitz $15.00

Marital Intelligence, subtitled “A foolproof guide for saving and supercharging marriage,” is based on thousands of hours of marital counseling and observation by the author.

Dr. Gil says there are only five problems in marriage: (1) Ignoring needs; (2) Immature behaviors, (3) Clashing temperaments, (4) Competing relationships, and (5) Past baggage.  With each issue, he carefully and consistently lays out biblical teaching on the subject, and then includes helpful anecdotes, solutions, and self-tests to help the reader.

If you are interested please contact Pastor Rick or the church office so I can order in bulk for $15.00 each.  

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Come To The Cross